Losing confidence can also destroy your future.

Jeffrey E. Uvero
2 min readApr 11, 2021


Skills are very important to your work as a developer. Combining it with your hard work can be your weapon for every task they give to you. You mastered every technology you are using at your work and everyday you are learning and adding more in your arsenal but suddenly some incident happens that changes your perspective and loses you confidence. How do you regain it?

Losing your confidence may also destroy your future. It is hard to accomplish things when you lack confidence. You are working for something that you don’t know if it will be approved by others. Yes, you always ask for their approval even if you know you’re doing it right because you don’t have confidence. You are the prisoner of your own mind. You can’t achieve your goal because there are barriers in your way.

So how to regain your confidence? Try to re evaluate yourself. Look for influence and inspiration. Pull out motivation from your family, friends and anyone surrounded by you that gives positive vibes. Ignore people who give bad aura to you. Maybe you are tired! Take some rest. Use your vacation leave or play with your kids and watch movies with your family. Resting can also regain your lost energy and maybe it’s the key to regain your confidence.

The most important suggestion I will give is to accept the fact that you really lose your confidence and try to work it out right now by yourself. You are the one who knows what the solution of the problem. My suggestion or help from others might not help you however, you are the one who can regain it so start it immediately or your future will be destroyed.

Happy Coding..

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Jeffrey E. Uvero

Jeffrey E. Uvero is a PHP and JavaScript Developer currently working as React Engineer